SLB Dog Training

Providing a safe space free from judgement for puppies, dogs, and owners to learn – join a class in Essex today!

Affordable Training Because All Dogs Matter!

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Understanding the modern dog isn’t always easy, sometimes we feel out of depth but together we are not alone! Like parenting human babies, we cannot know it all. My classes are designed to help you and your dog understand each other, and provide you both with the skills needed to lead happy, content lives together.

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New Puppy Socialisation Classes

Socialising puppies correctly is very important, and helps them to understand the world around them, and to become a happy, contented member of your family.

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Junior to Adult Training

Continuing training into adulthood will provide your dog with a range of skills and commands for a range of situations, further strengthening your bond.

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1-2-1 Training

Working together as one, we can resolve issues – all sessions are judgement free, and we work around the parameters you’ve set for your dog in your home.

Kind, Compassionate Dog Training

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I created Sociable, Learning, and Behavioural Dog Training to provide a judgement free place for dogs and owners alike, to learn together and become a cohesive unit. I believe that dog training should be fun for all the family, and provide everyone with the vital skills to be happy and content.

Latest News

Puppy Socialisation Facts two dogs sleeping in a cosy wool

Puppy Socialisation Facts

Puppy Socialisation Importance From the moment our puppies are born they are subjected to the world around us. As owners,...
Four dogs sit as a ghost in front of the door

Interesting quotations based on Dogs

“Don’t make your out command, a signal for war” - Michael Ellis “Be the most interesting human your dog has...
dog Behavioural dog standing on a white couch


How many times have you said my dog doesn’t get it……………… If we think back to the first day we...
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Have a Question?

If you have any questions about my classes, pricing, or how to book, please get in touch and I will be happy to help.