Puppy Socialisation Facts

Puppy Socialisation Importance From the moment our puppies are born they are subjected to the world around us. As owners, it is essential we continue this journey without negative impact.

Week 3-5 Puppies will be noticeably wanting to explore more. They may become slightly vocal, wanting to come outside the birthing pen. Due to currently having no fear response, interaction is extremely beneficial. You may be encouraged to visit your puppy getting him used to your smell, touch etc.

Week 6-10 Puppies are now confident, showing further interest in what’s around them. It is this stage we need to start considering meeting various puppies and start look for classes. Acceptable age is 8 weeks plus.

I offer guidance, interaction with total confidence building in all puppy classes. Each class offers a safe environment with small class numbers giving the personal feel with your pup’s wellbeing at the core. Come, make friends, and meet your puppy’s socialization needs.

A socialized puppy will lead to a happy dog.

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